Friday, October 28, 2016

HAS #10

Homework Assignment Sheet #10

Mrs. Walker-11/8/2016

Due: Tuesday, 11-15-2016

·        Speech-Choose a city from Mexico or a country from Central America or the West Indies and prepare a one minute speech on any interesting facts that you find. (use 3x 5 cards)

·        Geography Coloring Book- pages 12 and 13

·        TEST- Mexico/Central America Map Test-see Student Activities on page 73 and 79 which we completed in class

·        Geography Island Project

Work on your MAP ISLAND PRESENTATION-see attached sheet for due date and details.  DUE DATE THURSDAY DECEMBER 1.

HAS #9

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #9

Mrs. Walker-Nov. 1, 2016

Due: Tuesday, 11/8/2016

·       Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color all pages of 49

·       TEST-  Before we move any further with the North American Continent, there will be a test on ALL 50 states and capitals. Be able to label them on a blank map of the United States. (Don’t panic, you’ve already done this, just in smaller sections! J)

·         Geography Island Project-Transportation Map-

Consider the topography, location of industries, agricultural activities and population centers, and make a transportaion map showing highways, railroads, navigable rivers, water ports and airports on your island. Be sure to include a legend/key.

Monday, October 24, 2016

HAS #8

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #8

Mrs. Walker-Oct. 25, 2016

Due: Tuesday, 11/1/2016

·       Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color page 11

·       Speech- Choose a Western state and prepare a one minute speech on any interesting facts that you find. (use 3x5 cards) We will be working on public speaking on a regular basis so you will feel comfortable giving on oral report at our World’s Fair.

·       TEST-  the Western states and capitals of the U.S. Study the maps we labeled in your Student Activities Manual: page 66

·         Geography Island Project-Population Map-

Consider the topography, climate, resources and vegetation of your island, and make a population map.  Areas chosen as cities should be indicated as the most populous areas.

Monday, October 17, 2016

HAS #7

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #7

Mrs. Walker-Oct. 18, 2016

Due: Tuesday, 10/25/15

·        Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color page 7 & 10

·       Speech-Choose a Midwest or Plains state and prepare a one minute speech on any interesting facts that you find. (use 3x 5 cards) We will be working on public speaking on a regular basis so you will feel comfortable giving an oral report at our World’s Fair.

·       TEST- the Midwest and Plains states and capitals of the U.S.. Study the maps we labeled in your Student Activities Manuel, pages 62 and 65

·         Geography Island Project-Product Map-

Consider the topography, climate, precipitation, and location of your island. Make a map showing the major agricultural and  industrial products and the location of their production. These can both be done on one map. Point symbols can be used for products, and areas can be shaded to show land use. Use two keys at the bottom of your map.

Monday, October 10, 2016

HAS #6

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #6

Mrs. Walker-Oct. 11, 2016

Due: Tuesday, 10/18/15

·        Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color page 8 & 9

·       Speech-Choose a Northeastern or Southeastern state and prepare a one minute speech on any interesting facts that you find. (use 3x 5 cards) We will be working on public speaking on a regular basis so you will feel comfortable giving an oral report at our World’s Fair.

·       TEST- the Northeastern and Southeastern states and capitals of the U.S., Study the maps we labeled in your Student Activities Manual, pages 59 and 61

·         Geography Island Project-Vegetation Map-

Consider the topography, climate, precipitation, and location of your island. Make a vegetation map showing the natural vegetation areas of your island, make sure to include a key/legend.

Monday, October 3, 2016

HAS #5

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #5

Mrs. Walker- Oct. 4, 2016

Due: Tuesday, 10/11/16

·        Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color page 6

·       Canada TEST- use attached study sheet

·         Geography Island Project-Complete a Climate and Precipitation map. Remember to put a key or legend at the bottom of your map. Think about the high and low elevations, snow levels…*On this map choose your lines of longitude and latitude. This will influence the basic climate type for most of the island. Remember: the closer to the equator the warmer the warmer the temperature.