Monday, November 28, 2016


Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #12

Mrs. Walker-Nov. 29, 2016

Due: Tuesday, 12/6/2016

·        Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color page 44

·       Speech-Please prepare a 2-3 minute speech about the remote continent of Antarctica (choose from a variety of topics including animals, explorers, climate…brrrr)

·       TEST- study for test on Antarctica, from page 207 of the Cultural Geography Student Activities

Monday, November 14, 2016

HAS #11

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #11

Mrs. Walker 11-15-2016

Due: Tuesday, November 29, 2016

        Extra Credit:  Thank a United States Military Veteran for their service to our country, be prepared to share your experience in class on Thursday, 11/29/15

·       Geography Coloring Book-Please read and color pages

14   and 15

·        TEST-  the countries and capitols of South America

·        One Minute Speech - pick one of the South American countries, and prepare a one minute speech about the country to present to the class.

·        Work on Island Project – Due Dec. 1st