Sunday, February 26, 2017

HAS 21

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #21

Mrs. Walker

Feb. 28, 2017

Due: Tuesday, 3-7-2017

·       World’s Fair- prepare a 3-5 minute speech about your country to present to the class for the World’s Fair. Review all the essays that you have written on your country and include some, not all, in your speech. Please include the following topics of your country: History, government, political features, religion, economy, education, climate, customs and holidays, and any other facts you may find interesting. Please use 3 x 5 cards only to glance at during your speech.

·       Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color page 32

·       TEST-  South East Asia, page 125 in CGSA

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

HAS 20

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #20

Mrs. Walker

Feb.  14, 2017

Due: Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017

·        World’s Fair-Write a minimum one paragraph (7-9 sentences)  essay on the CLIMATE of your World’s Fair Country. Please include:

-high temperatures and locations

-low temperatures and locations

-average rainfall

-Lines of longitude and latitude of your country’s location

·        World’s Fair-Write a minimum one paragraph (7-9 sentences) essay on the CUSTOMS and HOLIDAYS of your World’s Fair Country. Please include:

-how your country celebrates their significant holidays

-food, music, fashion, recreation

-any other interesting facts

·       Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color pages

28, 29 & 30

·       TEST-  Middle East, study pages 121 &122 in CGSA

·       One Minute Speech – choose a country in the Middle East, and prepare a one minute speech about the country to present to the class. Please use 3 x 5 cards only to glance at during your speech.

Monday, February 6, 2017

HAS 19

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #19

Geography/Mrs. Walker

Feb. 7, 2017

Due: 2/14/17

·        World’s Fair-Write a minimum one page essay on the EDUCATON of your World’s Fair Country. Please include:

-What age the law requires children to attend school?

-Literacy rate

-How is the country’s education different from the U.S.?

-Other education facts

·        World’s Fair-please be gathering items for display board, recipe and costume for the World’s Fair Presentation

·        TEST- FINAL on the European countries and physical features. Use the pages from your Cultural Geography Activity book to study.