Monday, September 12, 2016

HAS #2

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #2

Mrs. Walker-Sept. 13, 2016

Due: Tuesday, 9/20/16

·        Using the definition of Geography, write a Rough Draft one paragraph essay entitled:


The Earth is the Lord’s


Geography is the study of the physical location of things on a

map or globe. It also encompasses the interaction of all the parts of

the earth: the climate and water, the plants, animals and minerals,

the politics, people and relationships.

(include this definition under the title of your essay)


You must include two Bible verses in your essay. You can choose from the following or find your own: Col. 1:16-17, Gen. 1:28, Acts 17:26, Psalm 115:16, Isaiah 45:18



·        Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color both pages for 1


·        Study for TEST – be able to label the 7 continents, 4 oceans, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, equator, Prime Meridian-(please see attached study sheet, it’s important to know the basics before we can move forward in detail)

        to be given in class on Tuesday, 9/20/16


ü  Extra Credit: To prepare for class on Tuesday, 9/20, please discuss with your parents their experience on 9/11/01. Be prepared to share their experience with the class. Be able to answer why is it or is it not important that we remember this day. Nothing needs to be in writing, just a willingness to share, notes can certainly be used!


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