Monday, September 19, 2016

HAS #3

Geography Homework Assignment Sheet #3

Mrs. Walker-Sept.20,2016

Due: Tuesday, 9/27/16

(I will hand out the corrected rough draft on Thursday.)

·        Using your corrected rough draft and the definition of Geography, write a Final Draft one paragraph essay entitled:

The Earth is the Lord’s

Geography is the study of the physical location of things on a map or globe. It also encompasses the interaction of all the parts of the earth: the climate and water, the plants, animals and minerals, the politics, people and relationships. (include this definition under the title of your essay)

 You must include two Bible verses in your essay. You can choose from the following or find your own: Col. 1:16-17, Gen. 1:28, Acts 17:26, Psalm 115:16, Isaiah 45:18

(please use a Writing Guidelines  as a check list and attach it to the front of your essay)

·        Geography Coloring Book- Please read and color page 3 & 4

·       Student Activities- Chapter 3-Activitites 4 & 5 (pages 21-22 in Cultural Geography Student Activities)

·        Geography Island Project- see back of this H.A.S. for instructions

Geography Island Project

1. Draw the shape of an imaginary island on a blank sheet of paper it can be either random, irregular shape or the shape of a specific object. It should be large enough to cover much of the paper. Name the island.
2. Place geographic features on the island and name them. (Minimum of 5)
3. Make eight copies of your island.
4. Each week we will be creating a new map for your island (graphic relief map, climate map, population map...), please refer to the homework assignment sheet for specific titles.
To prepare for the final Island Project on Thursday, November 17 (tentative):

All maps should be completed and organized in your folder. Begin working on your class presentation, Remember: you are a travel agent, it is your job to explain why it is such a great place to visit.

Please include the following in your presentation:

1.     Where your island is located

2.     The climate

3.     The natural vegetation

4.     The products your island produces

5.     The population, and where the most populated areas are

6.     What and where are exciting attractions one can visit

7.     Any fun cultural differences there may be

A three minute oral presentation is required. You may use poster(s) with pictures and drawings, a costume, travel brochures, a video presentation, a model/map, or any creative idea you may have. Have fun with it!

Do not wait until the last minute to begin your assignment. If you plan ahead, and work a little each day, this assignment should not be overwhelming.

Parents-Please call or email if this is unclear or if you have any questions.(408) 590-0994,

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